Monday, January 17, 2005

A New Start

I took a big step toward changing my life this weekend. It's scary and exciting and a great big deal to me.

A few months ago I ordered my old college transcripts from the couple of years I went to school right out of high school. My GPA was crap and I was put on Academic Probation pretty much every semester. However, I did, miraculously, manage to rack up a few credits.

So I took that info to the University I'd like to go to later for my Masters to see if they'd accept these old credits, and they will! While I was there I saw an advisor and she helped me see what the base level credits I still needed and showed me how to match them with my local community college classes.

Long story short, I've got several credits I still need to complete the base level for a Masters in Psychology. So Saturday I went to the local Community College and registered for one class!

I'm a new student! I start on Wednesday. My classes are MWF at 8:00am - 8:55am. I can run to work after class and then stay till about 6:30pm. :D Not too shabby. I'm taking Intro to Psych. It'll count toward the base level credits I need, and it'll also give me an idea if I'll enjoy the major I've chosen. Hehehe.

I'm so excited!!! :D:D:D

1 comment:

John Piccolo said...
