Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oi! Christmas

With the company days we were given off, the weekend and 2 other vacation days I had left to use, I was able to have a 6 day holiday break for Christmas.

I was off from Thursday the 22nd through Tuesday the 27th. Honey and I spent Thursday and Friday at home and then we spent the rest of the weekend at my parent’s house with family.

This year was the first year for the Ice! Exhibit to visit Dallas/Fort Worth. Honey and I got tickets to go Thursday night. It was AWESOME! They gave everyone heavy coats to wear inside because the temperature was 9 degrees. I didn’t think they’d let us take pictures so I left my camera at home. But I was wrong. :( We’ll have to get pictures next year. But I found one on the web that is just like one of the things we saw.

On Friday we spent the day doing laundry and cleaning. In the late afternoon we received two packages from Honey’s parents. We decided to have a mini Christmas before we headed out to my folk’s house. So we put on some holiday music and sat by the tree opening gifts from the north. :D

Our "little" tree

Saturday we headed out to my parent’s house but stopped on the way to visit R.A. We had gifts for her and she had some for us. So we got together to exchange gifts and we went out to lunch. We went to Campo Verde. It’s this hole-in-the-wall Mexican food joint that decorates the restaurant for Christmas. Or should I say, they take all the tinsel and lights within a 100 mile radius and spew it all over the inside of this place. It’s obscene. R.A. and I stumbled upon it in 2003 and have decided it to be a Christmas tradition to eat there each year.

After stuffing ourselves, Honey and I headed down to my parent’s place. On Christmas morning we got up early and went to my brother’s house to see what Santa had left for the little ones. We ate breakfast and played with the kids then headed back to mom and dad’s. Later in the night we had everyone over for dinner and gift opening. My sister and her girls weren’t able to make it due to my sister working, so we extended Christmas into Monday as well.

Tory(sitting), Aly(in purple), Mom(their Grammie) and Sammy

Honey and Me (and Tory again :)

Once my sister got there we had everyone over again for a second Christmas dinner and more gift exchange. I stayed one more night so my sister, her girls, mom and I could all visit and shop. We went out to the IKEA store and the mall. I was beat and got in last night around 10:45pm. I was in bed shortly after and practically fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

It was so great to see everyone, as always. Great food, fantastic company and good times.

And as if that wasn’t enough, I’m gonna see several of them again in a few days to go bowling on New Years Eve! Hehehehe!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Let it Go

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to......

If you are holding on to past hurts and pains....

If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....

If someone has angered you........

If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......

If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......

If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents ....

If you have a bad attitude.......

If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......

If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......

If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves......

If you're feeling depressed and stressed .......

Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.

(btw, I didn't write this)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

:D :D :D :D

Well I didn't complete my paper, but I emailed my teacher the thoughts I had about it to see if I was in the ballpark of what he was looking for and ask for some guidance. This was on Saturday.

I hadn't heard from him so I sent him the following email today:

I sent my thoughts to you this past Saturday on the final paper. I assume I still owe you that paper. :) Can you let me know your thoughts. I wasn't sure I had the right answers and didn't want to write the paper with the wrong ideas.


I got this response from him this afternoon:

You did just fine. I don't remember what you wrote and am not able to take a look at your paper because I am away from home. No body did better than you.

I'm just not real sure where to file that. ;) But I'm old enough to know when to say "thank you" and no longer worry about it.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holy Crap - edited

My final paper is due Thursday. I could swear he said it was due NEXT Thursday. I have the due date as the 15th written down in two places! WTF?!

Until 9am this morning I've had it in my head that I had a week and a half to work on it. I planned on working on my notes this week and putting the paper together this weekend.

Now I have 2 days.


I emailed my teacher to ask questions about the paper topics. He said we should do that and he'll help us out if we needed it. He told me I could email my paper to him by Sunday.

He said he didn't think this paper would effect my grade (which means I got a A) and he thanked me for being a good student in his class. :)
