Thursday, November 04, 2004


My High School reunion is on the 13th of this month. I've been thinking about it since the day I graduated. Therefore, although I'm nervous, I can't possibly miss it, or I'd regret it for the rest of my life.

Over the last few months I've had SEVERAL dreams about seeing all these people again. It's amazing who I remember while I'm sleeping that I don't remember while I'm awake. The clarity of realness of all the dreams have been incredible.

The problem is, I seem to be the only one who has gotten fat in the last 10 years. I of course realize this is completely ridiculous, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it, as my dreams clearly reflect.

My best friend from school and I have kept in touch. I met her when we were in 3rd grade and if she hadn't moved away in 10th grade, she would have graduated with us. Needless to say, she knows these people too. It was/is a small town, and I graduated with people I went to kindergarten with.

So for 8 years she went to school with us. I told her she has to go with me. I'm taking my hunny as well, but he doesn't know them. So she's my safety net, as well as I will be hers.

I'm still nervous but I know I'll have a good time. I expect even more unsettling dreams in the next week though. Blech.

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