Tuesday, October 24, 2006

60 Miles, Here I Come!

I did it. I actually did it. I set a goal to prepare for the 3Day, 60 mile breast cancer walk at the beginning of November 2005 and over the last 12 months I've worked hard to train and raise the required money in order to participate.

Today I collected the final donation to push me over the required amount!! The walk starts this coming Friday and I actually collected the money before the event!

Not only that, I set a goal to loose 40lbs before this event. That's quite allot and was probably doable, but I didn't quite make the halfway mark of that number, but hey, I'm not gonna gripe about loosing 18lbs!

I've trained to the point of having little to no ankle pain when I walk any longer and feel ready to walk this event. I also have hope that I might actually be able to walk the whole thing! I had thoughts that I might not due to my pace being a bit slow, but I think I can actually pull it off.

Anyway, I'm super excited and sorta nervous and real, REAL proud of myself. I DID IT!

My Donation Page

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