Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So I'm standing in the lobby waiting for the elevator and it dings and opens. Out of the way, I patiently wait for the 4 people on it to leave so I can climb aboard.

"Blah blah blah... blah. blah. blah." As they exit taking their SWEET ASS TIME, almost stepping on me and as they finally get the hell out of the way the doors are almost closed and I have to hit the damn button again.

I try REAL hard to always be aware of my surroundings and the people that may be there. Anywhere. If a person is in my line of sight, or I hear someone behind me, I always take note that they are there and do my best to not hinder them.

This doesn't mean always stepping out of the way, or letting people just walk all over me, it just means being conscious of others.

My honey has a wandering space that is much larger than mine and doesn't always keep tabs on others. I notice it alot in the grocery store when he's standing in the middle of the aisle staring at the soup completely unaware of anything around him because suddenly he's got nothing on the brain except SOUP. So a person rounds the corner with their basket and I feel I have to move him because he's completely oblivious.

I know everyone has different personal spaces, and not everyone's mind works the same. Some people can't do anything if they aren't focused completely on one thing. Honey is like this. And I don't mind it, nor do I think what he is doing is rude, because I know he's aware enough to do things like process the elevator door opening and think "I should stop talking now and focus on getting off the elevator and out of the way of anyone trying to get on."

But those stupid self absorbed people today were in the damn way and never even noticed I existed. And I'm a big girl, and I have on a pink shirt! Not real sure how I could be missed.


Dale said...

Forgive them, Sarah. They're not really rude. Just not paying attention, that's all. At work, I often sit in my high perch up in the locomotive and observe rush hour crowds. Most people hold the door at the top of the escalator for the person behind them. But others just let it close in their face. I don't think they're bad folks, really. Self-absorbed probably, as you noted.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll be watching my mail box. *grin*

John Piccolo said...

thats not so bad sometimes when I see people coming to the elevator and I hold it for them I dont even get a thank you. I remember them the next time Im in the elevator and they are running for it. I make a motion for the door and just let them close.