Saturday, March 26, 2011

Irises and Waxwings

Our local Botanical garden sells plants to the public in the fall and spring every year. Last fall I bought a grab bag of iris rhizomes and two specially identified irises. I have a small patch in my front lawn of yellow irises and along the side of my house I have black ones that have never bloomed. I’ve concluded they don’t get enough sunlight.

When I returned with my newly purchased grab bag I proceeded to thin my yellow ones and move my black ones, planting in the others I had purchased. Being the plant nerd that I am, I could.not.wait. to see what shapes, colors and sizes would show up this spring.

About 4 days ago I saw the first bud. Today it is in full bloom and GORGEOUS. What a treat to have one of the grab bag irises bloom first!!!

click to enlarge

While I was outside drooling over my wonderful new iris I heard a more than normal amount of rustling in the trees behind me and turned to find a flock of Cedar Waxwings descending on a Cherry Laurel and Holly for their, apparently, wonderfully tasty berries.

What a show these beautiful birds gave me. Swooping from tree to tree, resting, keeping watch, and feasting.

If my Chemistry class hadn’t finished lab and lecture early, I would have missed this. What an incredibly beautiful day!

1 comment:

joye said...
