Monday, June 30, 2008

Got Some Things Done

Minus some curtains, curtain rods and hanging the mirrors the red room is done! The mirrors are in there though leaned up against the walls. We'll have to hang them later. The curtains and rods are all cosmetic so that will come in time. I should have taken pictures already but I moved my sewing stuff in there to work on a costume and I don't want those things in the photos.

Speaking of my sewing stuff, I have a table, machine and 3 cases/boxes full of sewing supplies that my grandmother gave me. It is so nice to have everything I need and I didn't have to buy any of it! There are things in one of those boxes that I still haven't figure what they are.

I figured out how to thread the machine and I worked on a costume I started well over a year ago. Most of the skirt is done now and I am highly impressed with myself considering I've never made anything from scratch and it is actually coming out as I envisioned it. I think the true test will be how I make some pants and a top using a store bought pattern.

I hope it all turns out okay and doesn't look too bad when I'm done!

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