Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Long Time no Blog

I have been cuh-RAZY busy. A lot has happened in the last year. I'll try to be brief.

Mostly the news is about a house. Our house. Yes, we finally got a house. My grandmother decided it was too much for her so she moved into a home last spring (2007) and is selling us her house.

Pruned and planted

All of last spring and summer was spent helping her work through her things. We donated a ton, gave just as much away and then helped her move what she wanted to keep. After that we started painting. Our lease was going to be up in September so we wanted to get the house the way we wanted it before the move.

We painted 3 rooms and a hallway and pulled up carpet in 2 rooms and the hallway. We still aren't finished with the painting but that's okay. We'll be there a while.

Anyway, so we moved in last September and since then we've been adjusting to the differences in living in a house instead of an apartment. There are a lot more things that need taken care of as I'm sure many of you know. I love it though. I've planted, pruned, dug up, transplanted and landscaped so much in the last 9 months.

We still haven't perfected keeping a larger space clean though. That's an on going process at this point.

Well I'll wrap this up for now. Many more posts will follow with more details about the house, yard, life and everything in between.


Tara said...

We can't even keep a small space clean. ;-)

Sarah said...

My sty-ness annoys me.