Tuesday, October 04, 2005


This past June my dad registered and walked for the 3-Day walking marathon that travels the country for and benefits the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer foundation. He has been cancer free for 15 years now and felt it would be a great thing to do to celebrate and help women all around the world with his collected donations. (Altho he didn’t have breast cancer hehe)

Anywho, since his walk, he and I have discussed doing it together next year. They’ll be in the Dallas area in late October 2006. At first we decided against it, thinking we might not be able to raise the mandatory donation amount on our own since we’d be hitting up a lot of the same people for donations. But when I saw him at Honey’s party he looked at me and said “Let’s do that walk.” :D

It motivated me. I’m excited about it and I want to do it. But it also fueled a greater desire. I suddenly wanted to walk! I want to train for this big event and in doing so get to the point where I can walk without my ankles hurting. I want to do other marathons and events throughout the course of the year to gear up for the big 3-Day. I want to do this so it becomes a normal routine for me, a hobby and an exercise regimen so I’m healthier and feel better.

I’m gonna do it! I found a great website for walkers with challenges and a message board full of other walkers who are great encouragers. I’m going shopping for a new pair of good shoes to support my arches. That’s what I need to keep my ankles from hurting. :D


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