Thursday, October 13, 2005

Monarch Butterflies

Every fall the Monarchs migrate from the northern US to central Mexico. Well that is if they are east of the Rockies. If they are west of the Rockies they migrate into southern CA. But the bulk of them make the journey to Mexico.

This generation of monarchs lives much longer than the generation born earlier in the year. The spring generation only lives 4 to 6 weeks. But the fall generation lives 6 to 9 months!

If you look at migration paths you'll see that they funnel into Texas and down into South America. I'm fortunate enough to live right in the middle of this funneling path and get to see the migration.

Only two years in my past have I noticed the migration. Perhaps some years they are more abundant than normal, or less abundant. Or maybe they don't always cross over my area of North Texas. Or maybe I've just been too wrapped up in my own life to notice them.

But this year I have, and it seems to be the most abundant group I've seen in my life! They were so thick this morning I couldn't count them all. I started to count just to get an idea of how many I might have seen, and in a 1/2 mile of travel I counted 50. That means I easily saw hundreds this morning. Hundreds upon hundreds. :D It was incredible!

Just one more thing I always forget about the fall that I love. Monarch migration.

Copyright © 2003, Jim Cline

Friday, October 07, 2005

Wow-Blog Slacker

I have 3 blogs I need to write. I think I’ll back date them so it’s a more even flow. Be sure to read down a few if you wanna see them!


It got “cold” in the last couple of days. I think fall is officially here now. And I’ve been bit by the bug too. All the stores are full of Halloween decorations and pumpkins. I’m seeing people in turtle necks and jackets. I had to get out my close toed shoes too. hehe.

I’m so ready for the end of the year. This is my favorite time of year and I’m geared up for it, excited and ready for turkey and Christmas! WOO!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


This past June my dad registered and walked for the 3-Day walking marathon that travels the country for and benefits the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer foundation. He has been cancer free for 15 years now and felt it would be a great thing to do to celebrate and help women all around the world with his collected donations. (Altho he didn’t have breast cancer hehe)

Anywho, since his walk, he and I have discussed doing it together next year. They’ll be in the Dallas area in late October 2006. At first we decided against it, thinking we might not be able to raise the mandatory donation amount on our own since we’d be hitting up a lot of the same people for donations. But when I saw him at Honey’s party he looked at me and said “Let’s do that walk.” :D

It motivated me. I’m excited about it and I want to do it. But it also fueled a greater desire. I suddenly wanted to walk! I want to train for this big event and in doing so get to the point where I can walk without my ankles hurting. I want to do other marathons and events throughout the course of the year to gear up for the big 3-Day. I want to do this so it becomes a normal routine for me, a hobby and an exercise regimen so I’m healthier and feel better.

I’m gonna do it! I found a great website for walkers with challenges and a message board full of other walkers who are great encouragers. I’m going shopping for a new pair of good shoes to support my arches. That’s what I need to keep my ankles from hurting. :D


Monday, October 03, 2005

4 Day Weekend

About a month ago Honey and I planned this 4 day weekend to go to San Antonio to visit Sea World and see other SA attractions. i.e. The Alamo, Tower of Americas, River Walk etc.

Then the hurricanes hit. Miss Katrina and Rita. When we heard about the evacuations for Rita and heard that some people may end up in SA I immediately thought “Crap! We’ll need to book our hotel room to make sure we can get one.” Before I was done saying it my brain started to say “Well that’s terribly selfish.” So I quickly followed up with the second thought. Honey and I decided to cancel our trip so that folks that NEED a hotel room can have one, and we won’t be taking up a room so we can go on our precious vacation.

We went ahead and kept the vacation days we had planned though because it was Honey’s BDay weekend and there were plenty of other things we could do. :D

Last Thursday we had massages scheduled. We went to the same place and got massages at the same time by two different people in rooms next to each other. Hehe. It was fabulous. We went home in piles of happy goo and did nothing for the rest of the day.

On Friday we went to Six Flags! It was open in the evening for Fright Fest. There wasn’t anyone there! And the weather was fantastic. We didn’t have to wait in lines and rode a couple of the coasters multiple times. It was a great time and a perfect night to go. One of the “ghouls” jumped out and scared me as we darted from one coaster to the next. Heee!

On Saturday we laid around most of the day and then went out for the official BDay party. We went to Dave & Busters to eat yummy food, drink good drinks and play arcade games. Lots of people came too! My parents, my brother and his fiancé’. One of my brother’s girls and my best friend and her man. (you’d think it was my party, but Honey knows and likes all these people too. :p) Anyway, it was a great time too.

On Sunday, Honey and I did nothing. Watched TV and played World of Warcraft all day. Pretty perfect Sunday.

So the 4-Day weekend was a success, and although we didn’t make it to Sea World, I think we made up for it pretty well. I know I had fun!