Monday, August 15, 2005

Foul Mood

Man, I just can't seem to pull out of this. Sure I have highlights, see the post below, but overall, I am in a foul mood.

So school is over for now and I can't muster up to desire to get into the fall semester. That sucks. I should go, and I don't want to. 2 classes down and suddenly I have zero motivation.

Work is somewhat better, but not completely and I hardly care. I'm so burned out I don't give a crap if I get my work done or not. I just want to stay home in bed.

I just scheduled a bit of time off in September, but what I'd really like to do is never come here again. 3 more full weeks of work is going to wear me down to a nub before I can take a 4 day weekend. And then what? I'll come back for 3 weeks and hate it all the same and then take another 4 day weekend.

It's a double edged sword. Work has be so worn out I don't have energy or care to do it, nor do I have energy or care to go to school. If I don't go to school, I'll never get out of this hell hole or any other job like it.

I hate it all and I don't want to do anything.

Not to mention my house. If you read my very first blog here you'll see the things I wanted to get done around the house. That was last October. They still aren't done. I have a bathroom with no wallpaper and a kitchen light fixture I paid a hefty dollar for that's laying in my closet.

There's recycling stacked up to the porch ceiling that needs taken away and my bathroom houses a laundry monster. Albeit clean at this point, but it still lives in baskets in the bathroom.

The carpets need vacuuming, the dishes need cleaning and I should probably move the 4 or 5 soda cans from the top of my desk. There are papers, mostly useless, piled all over the "dining" table.

I think I'm gonna flip out.


fstack said...

You need a fun weekend with music, good company and some beer on Burbin Street. Come on down and we will cut loose. Love ya!

fstack said...

sorry, Bourbon Street....I just got here and I spell like I talk. retarded

Sarah said...

Sounds like you're drunk to me! :p