Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Thank you, Officer

A few months ago I had highlights put in my medium brown hair. I liked it and had it done again, but it's been a few weeks and the roots are showing. So yesterday I stopped and picked up a red dye and figured I'd cover over, have some lighter red highlights and be good to go for a bit longer.

Yea, it took. It took real well. My once blond highlights were now BRIGHT ORANGE. I looked like I needed a few piercings, a Circle Jerks t-shirt and skate board. It was WAY too drastic and bright to work in an office. It was actually pretty fun and cute, but like I said, not good for cube work.

So I got up early this morning and ran down to the Wal Mart to get a dark brown dye for damage control. I had one thing on my mind and blew past an officer doing 52 in a 35.

Naturally he pulled me over. I knew I was wrong, I figured I'd get the ticket, pay it and go on with life. I've only gotten pulled over 3 times in the last 15 years. It sucks, but it's been a while and I should have been going the speed limit!

Anyway, he took my license and insurance and was in his car for about a minute. He came back only holding those two items and said "You were going 52 in a 35. 17 miles over the limit is a $250 ticket and 2 hits to your license. There’s lots of coyotes on this road and you could hit one of them. You also have a clean record, so I'm giving you a warning. Slow down."

"Thank you, Officer."

Oh, and my hair looks pretty good. :p

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