Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I Love My Honey Because...
...his heart envelopes more than I can sometimes comprehend.
...he knows how to stop and smell the roses.
...he encourages me.
...he is able to express true appreciation for nature and beauty.
...his heart envelopes more than he can sometimes comprehend.
...he knows how to call me down when I've crossed the line.
...he knows how to play.
...he knows how to support me in decisions I may make.
...he cares about our health.
...he makes efforts to better our health.
...he sees the light that shines inside me instead of my dress size.
...he cuddles with me on the couch to giggle or squeal at movies.
...he shares chores with me, even after our long days at work.
...he sings beautifully.
...he likes my family and understands their importance to me.
...he isn't afraid to show me his feelings, no matter what they are.
...he makes me laugh.
...he makes himself laugh.
...he will read this and come to me for a hug and a kiss
and an "I love you too."
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Thank you, Officer
A few months ago I had highlights put in my medium brown hair. I liked it and had it done again, but it's been a few weeks and the roots are showing. So yesterday I stopped and picked up a red dye and figured I'd cover over, have some lighter red highlights and be good to go for a bit longer.
Yea, it took. It took real well. My once blond highlights were now BRIGHT ORANGE. I looked like I needed a few piercings, a Circle Jerks t-shirt and skate board. It was WAY too drastic and bright to work in an office. It was actually pretty fun and cute, but like I said, not good for cube work.
So I got up early this morning and ran down to the Wal Mart to get a dark brown dye for damage control. I had one thing on my mind and blew past an officer doing 52 in a 35.
Naturally he pulled me over. I knew I was wrong, I figured I'd get the ticket, pay it and go on with life. I've only gotten pulled over 3 times in the last 15 years. It sucks, but it's been a while and I should have been going the speed limit!
Anyway, he took my license and insurance and was in his car for about a minute. He came back only holding those two items and said "You were going 52 in a 35. 17 miles over the limit is a $250 ticket and 2 hits to your license. There’s lots of coyotes on this road and you could hit one of them. You also have a clean record, so I'm giving you a warning. Slow down."
"Thank you, Officer."
Oh, and my hair looks pretty good. :p
Friday, March 18, 2005
Spring Time
It's coming. Well, at least in Texas it is. I think it's already here actually. I've seen tulips in bloom and trees are flowering. We had 2 'cold' days this week that sent us all into shock, but its back up to 60 and the sun is shining!
This is my most favorite time of year. The wildflowers here are incredible. It's nice to see the geese flying back in and hearing all the little birds chirping.
The whole world seems to come out of its hiding places. Festivals start and outdoor sports. People in parks, having picnics and playing with their kids.
I carry my camera with me everywhere I go this time of year, because I always seem to see something that's beautiful. Everything is so crisp and colorful, the sun shining bright and the sky is blue blue, so so blue!
The Fort Worth Main Street Art Festival is next month. They block off the whole road and put in booths of art. It's great fun to wander around and browse. Eat roasted corn and listen to great music. Last year we stood and watched an African Dance troop hop around on stage with what seemed to be endless strength and energy. All the while, munching on our roasted peanuts.
The Renny faire comes around next month too. I'd say that's my favorite place to go. The shows are good, the food is great and the shops are just fun. I always end up with some trinket to display in my home or an item to wear to the next faire.
Gallery Night is a neat event. Fort Worth puts together a night where all the art galleries in town open their doors, put out cheap wine and food to nibble on, so folks can wander into off the wall art shops and coo over beautiful pieces. Most of the galleries that participate are on a strip of road that could be walked if you wanted, but it's easy enough to cruise up and down the block and stop in where you might find things of interest.
This is the time of year that most people, including myself, get motivated to open their windows, throw up the blinds and air out our dusty dark living spaces. Things get de-cluttered and the kitties get to go out on the porch and lay in the planters. The AC/Heater doesn't get turned on because the air is so refreshing and perfectly warm or cool.
This is the time of year that it almost feels sinful to spend a Saturday indoors. So go outside people! Soak in the sun, and breathe in the fresh new smells of new life.
You'll certainly find me out there! :D
West Texas Sky ~
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I almost called into work sick, but came in anyway. After a short discussion with my boss, he told me I should go if I'm not feeling well. So I picked up the phone and called my massage therapist and got an appointment for later in the afternoon.
By the time I got there, my headache was gone. I'm glad I didn't have to get a massage with a headache. That's never fun. Anyway, he got to work on me and I let him beat me up pretty good. He's extremely strong and can really dig down deep and work the tension out. He also does stretching and spine popping. He'll grab my leg and twist it and bend it and pull it all around. Throw it over my body and the side of the table, pulling it hard to stretch out my hip, then push to pop my back. He does serious pressure point work on the base of my skull. That almost always puts me to sleep. It's incredible to say the least.
I'm sore today. But only from all the work he did. I'm not tense. Just tender. I'll be drinking my weight in water today, so hopefully I can wash all the toxins he worked out of my shoulders, out of my body.
I'm not waiting 9 months to go again. 6 weeks tops. I want to get a follow up massage that's not as intense and then after that, I'll go when I feel the knot tightening in my shoulder.
I always forget about the general relaxed feel I get after seeing him. Not a muscle relaxation, but a mental relaxation. I always enter into a mind set of less stress. I don't seem to get flustered or worked up over things at work. I don't feel hurried. I generally just don't care so much. :)
He does awesome work. *sigh*
Thursday, March 10, 2005
You Are Fall!Thoughtful, Expressive, Creative, Poetic, Smart What Season Are You? Take This Quiz :-) |