Monday, June 30, 2008

Got Some Things Done

Minus some curtains, curtain rods and hanging the mirrors the red room is done! The mirrors are in there though leaned up against the walls. We'll have to hang them later. The curtains and rods are all cosmetic so that will come in time. I should have taken pictures already but I moved my sewing stuff in there to work on a costume and I don't want those things in the photos.

Speaking of my sewing stuff, I have a table, machine and 3 cases/boxes full of sewing supplies that my grandmother gave me. It is so nice to have everything I need and I didn't have to buy any of it! There are things in one of those boxes that I still haven't figure what they are.

I figured out how to thread the machine and I worked on a costume I started well over a year ago. Most of the skirt is done now and I am highly impressed with myself considering I've never made anything from scratch and it is actually coming out as I envisioned it. I think the true test will be how I make some pants and a top using a store bought pattern.

I hope it all turns out okay and doesn't look too bad when I'm done!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Back on Track

Well we were going really good there with progress on the house and yard for a while then everything seemed to come to a screeching halt.

We've both been down and out for various reasons over the past 2 weekends plus the weekend before last was Father's Day and my Dad's birthday, so I spent Sunday at my folks' house for those festivities.

This coming weekend is open though and I HAVE to get the red room cleared out so I can start practicing a routine for the August belly dance show. I should actually do that before the weekend. We've also still got those pavers we bought just loosely stacked here and there in the yard waiting to be put down. I think we should lay at least one row down and get that process rolling.

The yard needs to be mowed and I've got weeds to pull plus some cleanup from a recent rain storm. There is also the stuff in the living room that is the last remaining remnants from the move that we started working on and now it's just sitting there collecting dust.

I think I'll work out a "to-do" list this week to give us a bit of a schedule to work from and prioritize it so we (read I) don't get overwhelmed. Oh yea and the fish tank needs so serious love.

In other news, I have cucumbers! I've counted 4 that have sprouted this week. 3 of them are pollinated and growing and the 4th still doesn't have a full open female flower, so I'll see how that one goes. Most of the carrots also look good and now that the weather has turned hotter the okra is starting to take off. I think we'll get some out of those sad little plants after all.

I'm not sure I mentioned it but the watermelon plant isn't actually a watermelon plant. It's another cucumber plant, so, there ya go. I have cucumbers x cucumbers + carrots, okra and zucchini. Oh that one is doing well too. Maybe not as good as it should but the flowers are starting to open so I think it is going to be fine. I might have over watered it but I think it's bouncing back now that I've backed off.

So! Back to it! There's plenty to do.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Well I've been waiting to blog until I have pictures to post with it but I keep forgetting to take pictures of things so this time I'll just talk about the couple of things we've done over the past 2 weekends.

Last weekend my Uncle and I put in a border around the okra he has planted and made an area for the carrot seeds I bought. It's just a small L shaped area next to their house but it needed a border and it needed all of the weeds removed. Honey and I also went and picked up some free compost to spread in there as well.

This past weekend little carrot sprouts were showing! I knew it only took a week or so but it is still exciting when you see the little greenery poking through. Honey and I also went and bought the remaining pavers we needed to finish out the patio project. I'm not sure when we'll get to that but at least we now have the materials we need.

Also late yesterday afternoon we adjusted the water hose situation in the front lawn. We attached 2 new soaker hoses to the existing one and ran them around the "beds" in the front then attached a regular hose to the splitter so the regular sprinkler could be attached to it. Now my water process in the front is easier.

That's about it. Just a little done here and there. :)