Total crap if you ask me. I went to that party/wedding with full intent on having a good time, being snarky, having drinks and generally enjoying myself.
I round the corner, upon arrival, only to see the one person on the planet I thought couldn't possibly be there. My exhusband. aka, The Pit. Considering who he was with, I'm guessing he didn't expect me to be there either. An old friend of ours, when we were still a couple. I think I embarrassed the hell out of her. Which added slight amusement, since I was wanting to be snarky anyway.
The wedding proceeded to start late, and it was midnight to begin with, so everyone was tired. It was quiet and boring and several other people there aren't folks I like to see. But everyone, except the ex, put on their nice faces and made small mindless chit chat.
It was the most obscene display of candy coated bullshit I'd ever seen. Hollow smiles, fake laughs, followed by whispers and eye rolls when no one was looking. I think it would have been a much more entertaining event if we'd all actually drop the act and tell each other what we really think. I would have gotten into at least 3 fist fights I'm sure. If of course, I said and did what my insides want to do. The animal part of me.
But no, I tucked it away like a civil grown up and played the nicey nice game, the whole while, making myself sick. This was all on Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, if you will.
I felt weird all day yesterday. Trying to place my... anger? I finally figured it out this morning. A life lesson, I suppose you are supposed to learn at some point, I hope I'm not behind.
Life Lesson: No one gives a crap about anyone else except themselves. They don't want to know what your story is, or how soandso treated you. They don't want to know the truth and be real. Everyone wants to pretend everything is right in the world and there is no injustice.
I can't stand it. I pried myself out of that circle because this one chick treated everyone like shit. At one time or another someone was on her shit list, and everyone else heard about it behind their back. When I made my round to the list, I didn't put up with it. I removed myself. And I still, to this day cannot grasp any understanding as to why all of those people are still friends with her, knowing full well she is the way she is. It completely baffles me. This goes for my exhusband too. The idiot dating him knows what he did to me! She saw it first hand, and yet she's going out with him. What?! Idiot.
I'm not even going to get into what happened last night and the people I ran into that I can't stand even more so than the afore mentioned.